How do my students log into my educator classroom?

Reading with Epic is easy to do, and any number of devices can be logged into the same educator account simultaneously!

Here's how students log into your educator classroom:

1. Have your students go to or use the Epic app on their Android/iOS device, and click "Enter Class Code".
2. Students enter their classroom code*
3. Students select their profile

*To find your code, go to: Where can I find my classroom code?


Why did you update the URL for students?

You may have noticed the URL (web address) for students has changed, from to This new URL helps ensure your students' data is safe and secure while they're using Epic. There's no need to update your students-anyone who attempts to access Epic using the old URL will be automatically redirected to the new one. The new URL is just one of many safeguards we have in place to protect your students' information online. Learn more


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