Does Epic have the Accelerated Reader or Lexile level available for books?

Epic is excited to offer Accelerated Reader and Lexile Measure books! You can search by Accelerated Reader and Lexile Measure by entering a keyword in the search box from any profile. The system will provide the results with book titles based on the keyword or topic but you will also have the option to refine your selection by clicking on the "Reading Level" button.

Clicking on the "Reading Level" option will give you the different reading leveled books that are available in our library (i.e. AR, Lexile, F&P, DRA, and GRL).

Additionally, you can determine the reading level of a book when you hover your mouse over the book, or by opening it. Please note not all books on Epic have this feature.

Epic does not have the Accelerated Reader quizzes on our website, but any book on Epic that has an AR number should also have a corresponding quiz on the Accelerated Reader website.
Note: If you see an AR level listed with * next to it, this means it's just an approximation, and is not an actual AR book.


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