How can I monitor my students' progress on collections I've assigned?

From your Educator profile, you can monitor your student's progress on how many of the assigned books they have completed so far from the collection. Here's how:

  1. Log in to your educator profile
  2. Navigate to the 'Assignments' tab
  3. From here, you'll be able to monitor your students' progress on their assigned collections!

(Note: Assignment progress is based on total book completion at this time. This means if you assign a collection with 10 books, it will increase to 10% complete when one book is finished. If you assigned a single book, it will appear as 0% until the book is finished.)

To read more on how to create a collection of books, click here.

Click here to read how to assign a collection to your students.

To learn how students can view their assignments, click here

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