How do I delete/archive my old class roster and add my new students?

In order to clear your Epic classroom of last year's students and start a new classroom, you can transfer or delete the existing student profiles, and then add your new students to your Epic roster.

Here are the steps to delete/archive an entire class(web):

  1. Sign in to your teacher account
  2. In the top right corner click My Students --> Roster
  3. Click Archive Class
  4. Enter name for archived class
  5. Click Archive Now

Here are the steps to create/add new student profiles(web):

  1. Log into your Epic educator account
  2. Click Students
  3. Click 'Roster'
  4. Select ‘Add Student’
  5. Choose your Grade
  6. Add students either one by one OR copy and paste the list and click Continue
  7. Fill in the applicable fields and click 'Confirm'

To create profiles by importing them through Google Classroom: Import student profiles from Google Classroom.

Further, classroom groups are a great way to organize the student profiles in your account, enabling you to assign curated Collections to specific groups of students, sort your class into reading groups, and more!: Here's how to create a new group on the website version of Epic

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